Applies with a House Hold Iron.
4 Yard by 12" Roll Permanent Bond Adhesive Fabric to Fabric. No mess! Washable! Cut out the size you need and use an iron to seal the fabric together. Watch the videos below.
Hotfix Adhesive works with home cutters by bonding the adhesive with whatever material you want to cut.
Perfect for Applique and no sew. Just Iron on - permanent adhesive! Allows you to sew with no gumming up of the needle.
Bonds to Fabric, Lace, Leather, paper, Photos and more. It is the same adhesive we use on our Hotfix Fabric™.
Fuse the adhesive to your material using a household Iron. Once your design is cut out you can iron it onto your project and it is permanent.
Application Instructions for household Iron:
1. Preheat iron to Cotton Setting. Steam is not needed
2. Cut Hotfix Adhesive™ Sheet to match the size of your fabric.
3. Place Hotfix Adhesive™ side up. Printed side down on Ironing board. ( This side down
4. Place fabric on top of Hotfix Adhesive™ . Press the Iron straight down approximate for 10-15 seconds. This will anchor the fabric and Hotfix Adhesive™ . Then iron the rest of your fabric (back and forth motion) until you have covered the entire area of fabric and Hotfix Adhesive™.
5. Turn the fused fabric and Hotfix Adhesive™ over and iron again for 15 - 20 seconds. (cover the printed ink - possible to transfers ink onto the Iron.)
6. Let your fused Fabric & Hotfix Adhesive™ cool completely, then you are ready to cut your fused fabric.
Application Instructions for Heat Press:
1. Set Medium Pressure, 240 Degress and 10 Seconds.